WulfWorks - Walking Between the Worlds
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Bernadette Wulf's Special Offers

Original Soul Portraits
Shamanic Power Animal Totem Portraits
Shamanic Soul Readings

FREE BONUS! - 21 Days to Dreams Coming True!
Start with a Fun LOA Focus Wheel Tool - Then You'll Receive 21 of the Best Law of Attraction Tips Ever!

Original Soul Portraits

Uplift your Life
with Your Own
Personal Soul Portrait!

A Soul Portrait is a spiritual tool that will raise your consciousness every time you view it

Order your own unique soul portraitYour personal Soul Portrait will
be created specifically for you,
based on the vibration of:

- Your name
- Your photograph
- Inspiration from your Guides,
     Angels & Power Animals

- Your requested colors
- Anything else you would like
     to tell me about yourself

What does your soul
want you to know
about the wonder of YOU?

I will do a brief intuitive reading of your energy and allow it to inspire your uplifting soul image to emerge on canvas, as prompted by your guides and angels. Your painting will be totally unique to you. I will also pass on any messages I receive from your guides and angels.

 "Bernadette does such incredible customized paintings.
The light and power she brings down through her visions
jumps off the canvas."     - Dailey


WulfWorks Soul Portratis by Bernadette WulfYou will receive your own personal oil painting on 12" x 16" canvas, shipped to you rolled in a tube and ready for framing in a standard size frame.

The image may or may not be of a human form, and it may or may not resemble your physical appearance. It will embody the essence of your soul energy in its highest vibration, to serve as a constant inspiration and reminder that you are a brilliant and wonderful gift to the world.

Order your Personal Soul Portrait Today!

A $300 Value
Special Offer Now ONLY $197!

Free shipping and handling in the U.S.
Email Bernadette Wulf for shipping rates outside the U.S.
or call 707-824-0675

Bernadette Wulf Soul Portraits
Important: Use this button for
U.S. orders only, please.

Email Bernadette Wulf for
shipping rates outside of the U.S.

Offer available for a limited time only.
This offer may never be repeated again, so act now if you are interested.

Sell Art Online

WulfWorks art suppliesOriginals and Limited Editions
Also available by special order.

E-mail: Bernadette Wulf 
-  or phone 707-824-0675

Zazzle Store - Order mugs, novelty items, and T-shirts,
plus cards and prints of your favorite WulfWorks images!

All images WulfWorks © Copyright 1989-20014
Shamanic Power Animal
Totem Portraits
Shamanic power animal portraits - order hereWho Are YOUR Power Animals?

Have you met your personal animal guides, power animals, or the totem animal of your clan?

Would you love to have a unique shamanic oil painting to honor your animal guides?

- I will take a Shamanic Journey to find your own personal animal guide

(or guides)
, or your clan power animal.

- Or, if you already know your power animal or animals, you can simply describe them to me in an email.
Bernadette Wulf - Visionary Artist
- I will then paint your own original 12" x 16 " oil painting on canvas and share any messages I receive from your animal guides. Your painting will be shipped to you rolled in a tube and ready for framing in a standard size frame.

I am Bernadette Wulf - intuitive shamanic practitioner, law of attraction coach, and visionary artist. I would love to seek out your personal power animal or animals for you, and then represent them in a beautiful, original oil painting. This painting will act as a powerful talisman to assist you in developing a stronger connection with your inner animal guides.

Shamanic power animal paintingsPower animals:

- Offer protection
- Act as guides
- Bring messages
- Answer questions
- Provide healing
 - Assist in healing others
- Act as teachers of deep    spiritual truths

Note: Some power animals prefer to remain hidden and I will always ask and respect their wishes, but most animal guides love to be represented in the form of paintings, figurines, necklaces, or other visual reminders. If your power animals prefer not to be represented, I will immediately refund your payment.

What better way to honor your power animals

 than having their portraits featured in your home or office?

Why do I Paint Power Animal Talismans?

Personal power animals painting - order hereSince early childhood I have had a deep connection with the animal kingdom and my own animal guides, and I have always loved to draw and paint animals. I can also intuitively see the power animals of others.

Because I know how comforting and helpful these invisible animal guides can be, I love helping others get in touch with their own power animals. I do this best through painting and intuitive shamanic readings (scroll down for my special offer on readings).

How Does It Work?

After you place your order, I will journey through the shamanic "otherworlds" to find your personal power animal or animals and create a unique  painting in oil on 12" x 16" canvas. I will also give you any messages I get from your power animals or spirit guides.

You can request "animals only" in the painting, or a combination of animals with a stylized image of yourself (I will need a photo of you for reference).

Order a powerful shamanic talisman
of your personal totem or power animals
painted by Bernadette Wulf.

A $300 Value
Special Offer Now ONLY $197!

Free shipping and handling in the U.S.
Email Bernadette Wulf for shipping rates outside the U.S.
or call 707-824-0675

Important: Use this button for U.S. orders only, please.
Email Bernadette Wulf for shipping rates outside of the U.S.

Shamanic Magical Quest

or Faery/Angel Card Readings

Do You Have a Burning Question or an Issue that Needs Healing or Clearing?

Shamanic & card readingsInner Guides, Angels, Faeries and Power Animals Have Answers!

My Power Animals, Faery friends, Angels and Guides have been assisting me for decades and I have come to trust their answers and their ability to shift negative energy and bring about healing. My Inner Contacts have made themselves available to help others, like you! You will find images of many of them on the pages of my WulfWorks.com site.

Some of the most powerful gods and goddesses of different cultures have assisted me in helping clients all over the world, for which I am eternally grateful. These are ancient beings who help to orchestrate creation and the balance of the worlds. Even though some of them have been all but forgotten by the modern world, they continue to work behind the scenes and they are very real indeed. It is wonderful and amazing that they are willing to help us humans on our path through life.

Order your personal animal totem painting

I will do a reading on your behalf, to:

- find answers to your questions
- bring back wisdom from the Otherworlds
- ask my Inner Contacts to assist in your healing
- ask my Inner Contacts to clear negative energy

I Am Just the Messenger

I am not the one performing these healings or answering your questions. I ask wise beings who have a much broader perspective. Then I bring back what they tell me and pass it on to you through email.

Often my contacts will assign a task or tasks for you to do. As you will frequently find in fairy tales, the tasks may seem nonsensical, like kissing a frog. If you receive a task like that, don't laugh it off. These tasks are powerful rituals that can shift a lot of energy by working on your subconscious mind. Remember what happened when the princess kissed the frog!
Are you ready to kiss a frog?
Shamanic Journey Readings

I will embark on your quest to get answers and wisdom,
or healing and clearing from my Inner Contacts.
You will receive your reply by E-mail

A $100 Value!
Special Offer Price Only $47!

Please let me know if you have a particular question,
or desire for healing or clearing when you send your payment,
or if you would like a general reading.

If you have a preference for messages from
Angels, Faeries, or a Shamanic reading,

please indicate that as well.
You can add this information to your PayPal form,
or email me separately Bernadette Wulf Email

E-mail Bernadette Wulf                 (707) 824-0675

WulfWorks Visionary Art Home

Visit My Other Websites

WulfWorks.comFairySource.com - Celtic MysterySchool.com -
Magical-LifeCoaching.comHealItAll.com - ProjectParadise.info