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Conscious Branding for Visionary Businesses

Your Brand Board is like a snapshot of your business style and values. The branding elements are your colors, fonts, and image styles that represent the general feeling you want your business to convey.

Client Rave

Bernadette was masterful at creating a Brand Board for my business, helping with a color palette, fonts, graphic style and AI generated branding photo. I did not know where to start to create options for my website, but all it took was me describing my business for her to quickly begin. Bernadette really knows her tools, generating a beautiful end product. I am so pleased to have benefitted from her expertise. — Lisa Knopp

Let’s Create Your Brand Board & Update Your Website!

Notice how each of these Canva template boards evokes a feeling as soon as you see it.

Brand board examples to make your branding consistent

You don’t even have to read the copy, because the colors, fonts and images bypass the logical mind and speak directly to the heart. You respond with a gut feeling, either positively or negatively.

That’s exactly what you want your customers to do. When people see your branding, they will immediately know whether they resonate with you or not. The people who love your style, colors and fonts will be your ideal customers, because they are already on your wavelength, so to speak.

Your Brand Board captures the feeling of your business.Branding is a Reflection of Your Values — Conveyed by Feeling

Your customers will respond to the feeling of your brand.

Even though they probably won’t ever see the branding board itself, it will be reflected in all your marketing materials — from your website and logo, to social media posts, ads and emails..

Your brand board will help you and others on your team create a consistent and recognizable style that captures the essence of your mission and purpose. 

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Includes a free brand board template we can use to clarify your brand.

Breathe New Life into Your Website with Your Brand Style and Purpose

Website Designs with Heart: Reflecting Your True Values

Once you have your branding established, it’s time to take a look at your marketing materials. One of the first places people will go to find out about your business is your website.

  • Does your website reflect your values and the passion and purpose that inspired you to create your business?
  • Will it be memorable to visitors, or just another boring website?
  • Does it show people who you are and why you have poured your heart and soul into your business, so they can feel like they know, like and trust you?

If not, it’s time for a facelift!

Here are a few of the hundreds of web pages I have created for various purposes. Go to Website Design for more info. on websites and more examples.

Website examples for branding

Ready to give your website a facelift?

Let’s start with a chat to see how we can work together.

Real photo of me

Book a FREE One Hour Consultation Call on Zoom

Includes a free brand board template we can use to clarify your brand.

super cute kitten

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