Wulfworks ~ WulfWorks Home
Here are a few of the best web sites I have found. I personally recommend them all. Some are also visionary artists. Others are uplifting and informative sources of tools and information.
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Visionary Artists:
http:/www.lindakertzman.com Hand sculpted fairy tale dolls
http://www.cherylrose.com/ Mystical art and portraiture
http://catherineandrews.com Uplifting visionary oil paintings
http://www.francenehart.com Delicate inspirational watercolors
http://artakiane.com/index.htm Awesome paintings of ten year-old girl prodigy.
http://www.jimwarren.com Amazing, often bizarre, illustrations
http://www.pttah.com My favorite "channeled" teacher. A kindred spirit with profound wisdom and humor to share
http://abraham-hicks.com Highly recommended ~ The most practical information I have yet found about the nature of our reality and how we can uplift our lives and tap into the joy, love, and abundance that is our natural state of being
http://www.youtube. com/user/ AbrahamHicks Abraham videos.
http://www.rose-rosetree.com Face reading ~ Very interesting meanings of wrinkles and other facial features!
For the Earth:
http://www.earthtransitions.com A beautiful web site full of information about devas, and tools for Earth healing
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com Animal Rescue Site
Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "feed an animal in need" for free. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/negletcte animals in exchange for advertising.
http://www.mslpublishing.com A message from the Redwood devas
Health and Beauty:
http://www.terranaturals.com/cgi-local/terranaturals An excellent selection of natural cosmetics, deodorants, and body care items. Well-designed web pages with lots of information about products and ingredients.
Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Information on EFT by its founder ~ Try it
on everything!
(click on one or more of the links below)
Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been clinically effective in thousands of cases for Trauma & Abuse, Stress & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias, Depression, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. Properly applied, over 80% achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the problem.
...Often works where nothing else will.
...Usually rapid, long lasting and gentle.
...No drugs or equipment involved.
...Easily learned by anyone.
...Can be self applied.
dream catchers to health aids ~ A multitude
of products and informative articles
Celtic & Pagan:
CelticMysterySchool.com - Faehallows School of Magic
http://www.celticspirit.org/index.html A wealth of information about Celtic mythology and lore. Workshops also available.
http://www.thewizardsrealm.com The Wizard's Realm. Outstanding customer service! Enhance your life with our treasures and knowledge. We have a wealth of Pagan/Wicca goods. Sign up for a Free Newsletter.
http://CelticMysterySchool.com My Celtic myth and magic site.
Directories & Search Engines:
Thanks to:
http://www.tinacaldwell.com Tina Caldwell for sharing her beautiful animated fairies
http://www.eheart.com/ Jane English for Mt. Shasta photo
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