Paintings by
Bernadette Wulf
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"Imagination is everything!
It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
- Albert Einstein
"The visualization process is your purpose in life. The universe will match
it with the physical equivalent."
- Abraham-Hicks
To define magic is probably impossible, but the experience of magic is undeniable.
When imagination combines with intention to create an uplifted reality, there is magic!
I hope you will enjoy the magical quality of my paintings.
My art is intended to uplift and inspire the viewer with visions
of veiled realities beyond our physical senses.
Bernadette Wulf Angels
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Angel Heart, 16" x 20" - Acrylic on Canvas
WulfWorks© Copyright 2001
The angel of peace and love
offers her heart to all who are open to receive.
On her shoulder sits the dove of peace,
also known as the Holy Spirit, or Sophia, Goddess of wisdom.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards
Book of Life, 18" x 24" - Acrylic on Canvas
WulfWorks© Copyright 2002
Out of the book of life flies the dove of peace and wisdom.
The angel holding the book smiles,
seeing the true nature of all life.
Behind all illusion is the reality of perfection.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards
Garden Angel, 11" x 14" Acrylic on canvas board
WulfWorks© Copyright 1989
A child's guardian angel watches over her
as she walks through the flowers in her garden.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards
Aztec Angel, 16" x 20" - Acrylic on Canvas
WulfWorks© Copyright 2001
I once had the privilege of caretaking several endangered Ocelots.
They are the most aware and curious cats I have ever encountered.
Their eyes seem to see everything! This painting was inspired by my
favorite young male, named Pharaoh, in what would be his natural
habitat of Central America. He relaxes in the arms of a native Central
American girl, while the Aztec angel keeps watch over them both.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards
Order of Melchizedek, 10" x 12" - Acrylic on Canvas
WulfWorks© Copyright 2003
This image is based on a vision I had in a meditation, where a grid of
golden six-pointed stars appeared on a blue-violet background,
along with a personal message about the Order of Melchizedek.The Order of Melchizedek is a timeless order of teachers
and healers from the Great White Brotherhood. Though
they are not connected with any particular nationality, they
are mentioned in the Judeo-Christian Old Testament.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards
City of Angels, 16" x 20" - Acrylic on Canvas (New photo coming soon)
WulfWorks© Copyright 2002
The name of Los Angeles means city of the angels.
It brought an image to my mind. Here, the gates of heaven open
to reveal a city of light, where angels make their homes.Order this painting: Print on Demand Museum Qulaity Prints & Cards (coming soon)
Originals and Limited Editions available by special order.
E-mail: Bernadette Wulf - or phone 707-824-0675WulfWorks © Copyright 1989-2009
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